Sermon Guide

Emerging Communicators – 11:00am

July 2, 2023
Scotlyn Harrison
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  • ‭‭‭‭DISCUSS: What part of the message you heard was most encouraging to you?
  • ‭‭‭‭DISCUSS: What part of the message you heard challenged you to take a step in your faith?
  • ‭‭‭‭DISCUSS: Our emerging communicators were asked to preach about the attribute (or characteristic) of Jesus that has been most impactful to them. For you, what attribute of Jesus has been most impactful recently?


What else did you get from this week's sermon? What actions or next steps can you take to apply it to your life?


For a clearer understanding of who Jesus is, how he transforms our lives, and who we can share him with.

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