Child Dedication


Child dedication is a meaningful ceremony where parents commit to raising their child in faith, following Proverbs 22:6 to "train a child in the way he should go." It also marks the church coming alongside families to support them spiritually.

The Dedication Experience

Our child dedications are held on Saturday mornings several times throughout the year. Parents and their child(ren) being dedicated will enjoy:

  • Discussion of practical ways to grow closer to God as a family
  • Tips on teaching children about Jesus from a young age
  • Celebrating with other families
  • Prayer over the children and parents
  • Connecting with our Kids Ministry leaders

The following Sunday, parents are invited to bring their child up during the service of their choice so the congregation can pray a blessing over your family.

Participation Requirements

To take part in child dedication, we ask parents to:

  • Listen to provided podcasts
  • Write a letter to your child for their 18th birthday
  • Choose a life verse for your child

Registration and Cost

Registration opens several weeks prior to the dedication date. Spots fill up quickly, so reserve your space early! There is no cost to participate.

On the Day of Dedication

The ceremony is casual dress. Bring your child and arrive ready to celebrate this big moment! On that Saturday we will have a photo booth to capture memories. Following the dedication, a light reception is held.

Let us know if you have any other questions as you consider this special commitment! We can't wait to walk this journey of faith with you and your child.

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