Sermon Guide

The Battle Over Truth

June 18, 2023
Dr. Allen Holmes

When we lose truth, our foundations crumble.

REVIEW: The truth leads to freedom.

  • READ: John 8:32
  • ‭‭‭‭DISCUSS: What is one example of how the truth has led you into freedom?

REVIEW: The truth leads to unity.

  • READ: Ephesians 4:3-4
  • ‭‭DISCUSS: Why do you think it can be difficult for people to stay united around truth, and how can you continue becoming a person who works toward unity?

REVIEW: The truth produces hope.

  • READ: Romans 15:13 
  • ‭‭DISCUSS: How has growing closer to Jesus affected your sense of hope and peace? 
  • ‭‭DISCUSS: In what areas of life do you need more hope, and what truths can help lead you there?

REVIEW: The truth must be shared in love.

  • READ: Ephesians 4:15 
  • ‭‭DISCUSS: Describe a memory of being given truth in either a loving or unloving way. How did the way that truth was shared affect how you received it?


What else did you get from this week's sermon? What actions or next steps can you take to apply it to your life?


For a clear understanding of the truth, and for the truth to produce freedom, unity, hope, and love in our hearts.

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