Who we are
At Definition Church, our purpose is clear. This purpose shapes the kind of church we aspire to be, one that displays Jesus to the world around us. Learn more about our purpose, strategy and who we aim to become in the sections below.

Our Purpose and Values
We exist to help people follow Jesus and experience the hope of redemption.
When we do this well, the following values describe the church we become to display Jesus to the world around us:
Jesus is our focus.
In every moment and for every need, Jesus is the Answer! Therefore, we refuse to be distracted by politics or cultural wars. We refuse to be deceived by humanistic, simplistic solutions to deep spiritual problems. We believe the only way to transform culture is for Jesus to transform hearts. The Christian life cannot be reduced to knowing the right things or even doing the right things; it is better than that! The Christian life is a life-long transformational journey with Christ–a process of becoming, as we are transformed from the inside out. As we follow Jesus we are healed by His love, strengthened by His grace, directed by His truth, embraced by His body, and empowered by His Spirit. Therefore, in a world full of distractions, we are careful to keep our focus on Jesus.
People are our priority
All people were created by God, in His image, to be loved, to reflect His glory, and to enjoy Him forever. Despite our sin, Jesus loves us so much that He left Heaven, entered into our fallen world, and willingly laid down His sinless life to redeem us from sin and death. On the third day, He rose from the dead to give us new and eternal life. Through our faith in His redeeming work, we have become His sons and daughters, His body, and His bride. People are His greatest treasure and every redemption story reflects His glory. With Jesus, failure isn’t fatal. In fact, these moments allow us to experience the depth of His love and often become a powerful catalyst in our spiritual journey. Therefore, we refuse to be judgmental because no person or situation is beyond the reach of God’s love and grace. No one is too far gone. We believe the church exists to reach, love, encourage, equip, and empower every person to experience abundant life through a relationship with Jesus no matter their past or pain.
Authenticity is our aim
Life's greatest experience is to be fully known and loved. Every person has a deep and permanent longing for this experience. Sin shames us into hiding, but the love of Jesus draws us out. We can either manage our image or allow Jesus to transform our hearts, but we can’t do both! When we experience unconditional love from Jesus and each other, it heals our hearts and opens our souls to God’s redeeming work. However, when we hide when we embrace hypocrisy, and our hypocrisy actually insulates us from God’s redeeming love. Therefore, our aim is to be real, to be authentic, to be honest about our present condition in order to experience this love from God and each other. It is His love that heals and inspires us to become the best version of ourselves and to offer His love to a hurting world.
Generosity is our privilege
God so loved the world that He gave! As we are becoming like Jesus we are growing in generosity. Giving is not a donation. It’s our grateful response to the incredible generosity of God. We don’t give to get. We give because we’ve already received so much! God’s generosity is redeeming our lives and our generosity is bringing the hope of redemption to people here in our city and around the world. Instead of seeking to do the bare minimum, we seek to give our very best to meet the needs around us. We’re generous with our time, talents and treasure because people matter to God and they matter to us!
Amen is our attitude
Jesus is our good and noble King. Therefore, whatever He wants me to do, wherever He wants me to go, and whatever He wants me to be, my life belongs to Him. My answer is Amen. I want my life to come into agreement with His redemptive plan. Jesus came to give us abundant life so following Jesus is a journey into my best life. Therefore, when God speaks, whatever the request, our answer is yes, amen, let it be, according to your word! We are living with an eternal perspective. Our time here determines our station there. Therefore, we will do whatever it takes to answer His call and fulfill His redemptive mission on earth.