Community Groups

Monthly Leader Guide

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Monthly Practice:


Sep 3
September 30, 2023


Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.
Ephesians 6:18

Prayer connects us to God’s presence, perspective, and power.

Prayer allows us to learn God’s heart for us and to share our hearts with Him. Prayer is powerful and often changes our perspectives, our circumstances, or both. We pray daily to connect with God relationally, express our emotions to Him honestly, allow Him to guide our thinking, and ask Him to move in our lives and our world.

Overview Video

Weekly Guides

Week 1


  • Make sure you have access to the weekly video and can play that for the group.
  • Review the weekly Big Idea for your reference. This is intended to give you context for the week. You can choose whether or not to read this in group as a summary/refresher after watching the video.
  • Read through the Group and Individual Practices ahead of time.

BIG IDEA: God-oriented prayer.

  • The greatest reward of prayer is not what happens after we pray, but who we encounter when we pray.
  • Incorporating moments of intentional slowness, quiet reflection, and attentive listening into our prayers helps us to notice and enjoy God’s presence.
  • God-oriented prayer typically includes moments of worship, gratitude, and silence.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes
(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Application - 40 Minutes
Group practice - do this together in Group

  • WATCH the overview video together, then engage in discussion.
  • REVIEW the video and Discussion Highlights for this week.
  • ASK: Do you have a plan for prayer, such as scheduled times and regular routines, or is it more spontaneous?
  • ASK: Do you find it easy or difficult to make time for being still and quiet?
  • ASK: Are there any particular environments, such as time of day or location, that make it easier to simply enjoy God?
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Individual practice - to do on your own throughout the week

Spend at least five minutes each day sitting still, doing nothing, in a quiet place. Begin by asking God to speak to you. As different things come into your mind, write them down and verbally invite the Holy Spirit to be involved in whatever you think about. Then do your best to let that thought or emotion rest, being satisfied with God’s presence and trusting in his power.

Pray - 10 Minutes

Week 2


  • Make sure you have access to the weekly video and can play that for the group.
  • Review the weekly Big Idea for your reference. This is intended to give you context for the week. You can choose whether or not to read this in group as a summary/refresher after watching the video.
  • Read through the Group and Individual Practices ahead of time.

BIG IDEA: Self-oriented prayer.

  • Being honest and vulnerable with our thoughts and emotions in prayer is critical to connecting with Jesus in a real and meaningful way.
  • We can learn to use our thoughts and concerns as opportunities to invite Jesus into our lives.
  • Self-oriented prayer typically includes moments of contemplation, confession, and petition.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes
(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Application - 40 Minutes
Group practice - do this together in Group

  • DISCUSS the previous week's individual practice. What was your experience making quiet time with God? Did you sense him speaking to you about anything?
  • WATCH the overview video together.
  • REVIEW the video and Discussion Highlights for this week.
  • Spread out and take 15 minutes to be still and quiet. Ask God the question, “How is my heart? How am I really doing?” Allow him to answer and write down anything you hear. Be honest. There may be something you need to confess, something you need to surrender, something you were encouraged by or something you are worried about. Don’t worry about the result, just embrace the process of listening.
  • ASK: Why is it hard sometimes to ask God for what we want or need, or to be honest about the state of our heart?
  • ASK: What do you believe God really thinks about you (not what you know you should think, but how you really feel)?
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Individual practice - to do on your own throughout the week

Practice confession this week. Find something, big or small, that you need to confess (we can all do this; something that is obviously a sin or that you sense God telling you should be different in your life) and tell a close friend. Then, pray about it together.

Pray - 10 Minutes

Week 3


  • Make sure you have access to the weekly video and can play that for the group.
  • Review the weekly Big Idea for your reference. This is intended to give you context for the week. You can choose whether or not to read this in group as a summary/refresher after watching the video.
  • Read through the Group and Individual Practices ahead of time.

BIG IDEA: Others-oriented prayer.

  • Prayer that goes beyond our personal needs helps us learn to share God’s priorities and desires.
  • Praying for others develops the love of Jesus in our hearts.
  • Others-oriented prayer typically includes intercession, collaboration, and liturgy.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes
(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Application - 40 Minutes
Group practice - do this together in Group

  • DISCUSS the previous week's individual practice. How did practicing confession with someone else affect your relationship with them, and your relationship with God? How did it influence your prayer life?
  • WATCH the overview video together.
  • REVIEW the video Discussion Highlights for this week.
  • Pair up with someone in the group 1 on 1. Ask, “How can I pray for you?” Don’t spend a lot of time talking about the situation; try to answer in one minute or less, and then pray for each other. Come back together as a group and talk about your experience.
  • ASK: Does it feel harder at times to pray with, for, or in front of someone else? If so, why do you think that is? If not, what has helped you become comfortable with doing so?
  • Read the Lord’s Prayer out loud together (Matthew 6:9-13; make sure everyone is reading the same translation).
  • ASK: Do you find it easier to pray about whatever is on your heart, or to have a plan where you are praying through specific topics or even written prayers (liturgy)? Why?
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Individual practice - to do on your own throughout the week

Text someone today or tomorrow and ask how you can pray for them. Put it on your calendar to pray for them at the same time every day throughout the next week.

Pray - 10 Minutes

Week 4


  • Decide in advance what you will do this week for the Group Practice. This can be anything that builds community and relationships. If your group missed a week, you can also use this week to make up for previous content.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes
(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Time - 40 Minutes

  • REVIEW the previous week’s individual practice. Try to share your memorized verse with the group!
  • In addition to the usual connection time and sermon review, use this week’s meeting to foster community and deepen relationships.
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Pray - 10 Minutes


Memory Verse

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Definition Sermons


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