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Monthly Leader Guide

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Monthly Practice:

Silence & Solitude

Sep 30
October 30, 2024


"Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went to an isolated place to pray."
Mark 1:35

Solitude is when we intentionally create time to detach from the demands and distractions of the world so that we can experience the presence of Jesus in a greater way.

We are influenced by what we surround ourselves with. Solitude helps us silence all the voices in our lives to more clearly hear God and connect with Him. When we can find quiet and solitude, we develop a greater understanding of our emotions, our thoughts, and God’s perspective on our lives. We practice solitude to eliminate unhealthy influences and more clearly discern God’s will for our lives.

Weekly Guides

Week 1


  • Make sure you have access to the overview video and are able to play that for the group.
  • Review the weekly Big Idea for your reference. These are intended to give you context for the week. You can choose to start with these and use them for discussion, or just bring them up as applicable during your Group practice time.
  • Read through the Group and Individual Practices ahead of time.

BIG IDEA: Solitude provides clarity.

  • Christian solitude helps us understand what is actually producing joy, and not just numbing pain.
  • When we make time to be alone with Jesus, we become more aware of his presence, and we hear his voice more clearly.
  • When we find clarity through solitude, it allows us to be more honest and engaged with Jesus.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes

(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Application - 40 Minutes

Group practice - do this together in Group

  • WATCH the overview video together, then engage in discussion.
  • REVIEW the Discussion Highlights for this week.
  • ASK: Is it easy or difficult for you to identify and evaluate your emotions in the moment? How often do you ask God why you are feeling a particular way?
  • ASK: Do you practice some form of solitude on a regular basis? If so, how? If not, how could you begin to do so this month?
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Individual practice - to do on your own throughout the week

  • Pick any time of day that you can practice solitude consistently, and spend whatever time you can in solitude each day (try to get at least five minutes, but take more if you're able). Don't look at any screens, read any books, and try to limit even your own prayer or self-talk. Just invite the Holy Spirit to be with you, and envision Jesus sitting quietly beside you. As things come to mind, simply ask Jesus to be a part of them, and then let it go for the time being.

Pray - 10 Minutes

Week 2


  • Make sure you have access to the overview video and are able to play that for the group.
  • Review the weekly Big Idea for your reference. These are intended to give you context for the week. You can choose to start with these and use them for discussion, or just bring them up as applicable during your Group practice time.
  • Read through the Group and Individual Practices ahead of time.

BIG IDEA: Solitude makes us more aware of God.

  • Solitude offers more than just self-awareness; it also offers God-awareness.
  • Solitude allows us to experience (and not just know intellectually) that we are never alone.
  • Having intentional time to step away from activity and noise helps us remember that God is always present and speaking.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes

(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Application - 40 Minutes

Group practice - do this together in Group

  • Talk about last week's individual practice together. Was practicing solitude easy, or difficult? Did you realize anything about yourself, or about God?
  • WATCH the video together.
  • REVIEW the Discussion Highlights for this week.
  • Take a few minutes to split up as a group in silence. As you practice solitude, think about where and how God has been present in your day (or previous day). When you come back together as a group, discuss what you recognized, and how taking time to reflect altered your perspective on the day's experience.
  • ASK: How does being aware of God's presence change your emotional experience throughout the day? What about how you interact with others and respond to situations?
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Individual practice - to do on your own throughout the week

  • Take time at the end of each day this week to write down where you can tell that God was near. If nothing comes to mind, simply ask the Holy Spirit to show you where he was, and then spend a moment listening. At the end of the week, review all of the moments you've noted, thanking God for his involvement in your life.

Pray - 10 Minutes

Week 3


  • Make sure you have access to the overview video and are able to play that for the group.
  • Review the weekly Big Idea for your reference. These are intended to give you context for the week. You can choose to start with these and use them for discussion, or just bring them up as applicable during your Group practice time.
  • Read through the Group and Individual Practices ahead of time.

BIG IDEA: Solitude protects our hearts.

  • The pace of our lives is deeply connected to the space in our lives.
  • Keeping our hearts and schedule constantly full probably means that we aren’t actually giving our best to anything.
  • Solitude allows us to involve Jesus in every aspect of our lives, and as a result, live with more wisdom and peace.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes

(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Application - 40 Minutes

Group practice - do this together in Group

  • REVIEW last week's individual practice. How did taking time to reflect on God's presence in your daily life affect your attitude throughout the week?
  • WATCH the video together.
  • REVIEW the Discussion Highlights for this week.
  • ASK: Have you ever felt "burned out" in a relationship or commitment? How do you think a regular practice of solitude could help guard against that happening?
  • ASK: Is the current pace of your life moving you toward Jesus in a consistent and sustainable way, or do you need to slow down?
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Individual practice - to do on your own throughout the week

  • Spend some time this week filling out our Rule of Life builder, so that you can begin developing an intentional plan to create space in your life for spiritual and emotional health.

Pray - 10 Minutes

Week 4


  • Decide in advance what you will do this week for the Group Practice. This can be anything that builds community and relationship. If your group missed a week, you can also use this week to make up for previous content.

Connection Time - 20 Minutes

Sermon Review - 20 Minutes

(Guides are updated weekly on the Community webpage.)

Group Time - 40 Minutes

  • REVIEW the previous week’s individual practice.
  • In addition to the usual connection time and sermon review, use this week’s meeting to foster community and deepen relationships.
  • REVIEW the memory verse and other resources for the month.

Pray - 10 Minutes

Memory Verse

"Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:20


Invitation to Solitude and Silence: Experiencing God's Transforming Presence. Barton, Ruth Haley.

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry. Comer, John Mark.

Other Resources

Definition Church Rule of Life builder

Practicing the Way: Solitude Guide

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