Community Group Foundations

Spiritual Foundations


This month will focus on defining spiritual formation, describing the purpose and function of spiritual practices, and exploring how God shapes our hearts.

Weekly Guides

Week 1


  • Make sure you have access to the weekly video and can play that for the group. You will likely need a way to connect your computer or phone to a TV, such as with an HDMI cable or by using AirPlay or Chromecast.
  • Look over this guide in detail, so that you know what to expect and how to lead your group through the material. Feel free to write down your own ideas or questions—this guide should give you some general directions and boundaries, but bring your own thoughts and insights too!
  • Remind the group about the meeting beforehand. Because this is a new thing for most of your group, it will be helpful to have you communicating details and excitement about their involvement.

MAIN IDEA: Introducing Foundations

  • We were designed to live in purposeful community.
  • The goal of this community is to become like Jesus.
  • Becoming like Jesus together takes time.


Connection Time - 20 minutes

You can include snacks, ice breakers, and even games—or leave this time more open and organic.

Group Application - 40 minutes

WATCH the video together.

REVIEW the main ideas listed above as a group. Ask for general thoughts and responses. Allow space for natural discussion around the topic.


For newer groups: 

  • What do you hope to experience in this group together?
  • What are some of the ways you hope your faith will be strengthened and stretched as a result of this community?

For groups that have already been meeting together for some time:

  • How have your hopes and expectations for this group evolved as you have met together? What desires have been fulfilled, what ones remain, and what ones have changed?

Sermon Review - 20 minutes

Prioritize the Foundations content; if that takes most of your time, that is fine. If you have time left over, talk together about the sermon. Sermon discussion guides are updated weekly and available on the Groups webpage.

Pray - 10 minutes

Ask if there are any prayer requests. Pray for individual requests, as well as for the group in response to your discussion. Give others the chance to pray if they’d like.

Week 2


  • Make sure you have access to the weekly video and can play that for the group. You will likely need a way to connect your computer or phone to a TV, such as with an HDMI cable or by using AirPlay or Chromecast.
  • Look over this guide in detail, so that you know what to expect and how to lead your group through the material. Feel free to write down your own ideas or questions—this guide should give you some general directions and boundaries, but bring your own thoughts and insights too!
  • Remind the group about the meeting beforehand. Because this is a new thing for most of your group, it will be helpful to have you communicating details and excitement about their involvement.

MAIN IDEA: Casting vision for Community Groups

  • We need a group of people who know us deeply.
  • We are seeking more than knowledge or activity; we are seeking transformation.
  • Community groups help us journey inward to experience change over time.


Connection Time - 20 minutes

You can include snacks, ice breakers, and even games, or leave this time more open and organic.

Group Application - 40 minutes

WATCH the video together.

REVIEW the main ideas listed above as a group. Ask for general thoughts and responses. Allow space for natural discussion around the topic.

ASK: What are you hoping to experience as a part of this community?

For new groups: 

  • SHARE some of your background and story. Spend time getting to know each other!

For groups that have already been meeting together for some time:

  • ASK: How has your understanding of Christian community and spiritual formation changed as you have been part of this group?

Sermon Review - 20 minutes

Prioritize the Foundations content; if that takes most of your time, that is fine. If you have time left over, talk together about the sermon. Sermon discussion guides are updated weekly and available on the Groups webpage.

Pray - 10 minutes

Ask if there are any prayer requests. Pray for individual requests, as well as for the group in response to your discussion. Give others the chance to pray if they’d like.

Week 3


  • Make sure you have access to the weekly video and can play that for the group. 
  • Look over this guide in detail, so that you know what to expect and how to lead your group through the material. 
  • Plan ahead. After the video this week, NEW community groups should prioritize sharing more of their faith journey together. Don’t pressure yourself to get through every question.
  • Remind the group about the meeting beforehand.

MAIN IDEA: Defining spiritual formation

  • Every person is being formed into one kind of person or another.
  • Spiritual formation is our ongoing process of becoming like Jesus.
  • Spiritual formation doesn’t happen automatically; it takes place through intentional practice.


Connection Time - 20 minutes

Group Application - 40 minutes

WATCH the video together.

REVIEW the main ideas listed above as a group. Ask for general thoughts and responses. Allow space for natural discussion around the topic.

ASK: Based on your current schedule and habits: what are some of the things that are probably “forming” you the most?

For new groups: 

  • ASK: What are you currently doing, if anything, to intentionally allow God to shape and direct your life?
  • Make time for anyone who hasn’t had the chance yet to share more of their faith journey.

For groups that have already been meeting together for some time:

  • ASK: Looking back on your life, what are some of the things that have historically “formed” you when you were not prioritizing being formed by Jesus?
  • ASK: Can you identify times when you have sought change more through information than through practice? How would you describe the difference?

Sermon Review - 20 minutes

Prioritize the Foundations content, but if you have time, you can also use this week’s sermon discussion guide (found on the Groups webpage).

Pray - 10 minutes

Week 4


  • Make sure you have access to the weekly video and can play that for the group. 
  • Look over this guide in detail, so that you know what to expect and how to lead your group through the material. 

MAIN IDEA: Becoming like Jesus through spiritual practices

  • Many people in church want to become like Jesus, but often don’t know how.
  • Spiritual practices are a practical way to orient our lives around Jesus.
  • Spiritual practices are not something we do for God, but a way we allow God to do something in us.


Connection Time - 20 minutes

Group Application - 40 minutes

WATCH the video together.

REVIEW the main ideas listed above as a group. Ask for general thoughts and responses. Allow space for natural discussion around the topic.

For new groups: 

  • READ the following list of spiritual practices our church highlights collectively:
    • Fasting is when we temporarily cut out something we need or depend on (such as food) so that we can discover any idols in our lives and practice a deeper dependence on God.
    • Community is when we intentionally invite other believers into our needs, celebrations, processing, and decisions so that we can learn where we’ve become prideful and selfish, and move toward humility and balance.
    • Bible Study is when we meditate, memorize, and learn from Scripture so that we can discover any wrong thinking about ourselves and the world, and embrace God’s ideas and perspectives as our own.
    • Serving is when we attend to the needs and opportunities of other people, so that we can fight against being self-centered and practice the compassion of Jesus.
    • Sabbath is when we take a full day out of each week to rest, so that we can identify our idolatry of control and accomplishment, learn to trust God, and practice contentment.
    • Evangelism is when we intentionally share what God has done in our lives, so that we can remember his grace and experience his power.
    • Prayer is when we make space to listen for God and speak to God, so that we can hear his guidance and connect our hearts with his.
    • Silence & Solitude is when we make time to be alone and quiet, so that we can become more aware of God’s presence and experience his peace.
    • Generosity is when we give some of what we have to others, so that we can live free of the lures of greed and the lies of scarcity.
  • ASK: What might make spiritual practices difficult in this season of life? What motivates you to engage with them more deeply?

For groups that have already been meeting together for some time:

  • ASK: How have your spiritual practices changed since joining this group? Which ones that were new to you have you implemented, and how have any pre-existing ones changed?

For all groups:

  • ASK: From your perspective, what are some of the benefits of engaging in spiritual practices together as a group?

Sermon Review - 20 minutes

Prioritize the Foundations content, but if you have time, you can also use this week’s sermon discussion guide (found on the Groups webpage).

Pray - 10 minutes


Throughout this month, we have referenced a few different Bible verses and books. All of them are listed here if you or your group members are interested!


A couple of articles on our addiction to information:


Matthew 7:24-27 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock. But anyone who hears my teaching and doesn’t obey it is foolish, like a person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.”

The Critical Journey: Stages in the Life of Faith. Hagberg, Janet and Guelich, Robert.


Invitation to a Journey: A Roadmap for Spiritual Formation. Mulholland, M. Robert.

Practicing the Way. Comer, John Mark.

Matthew 28:19-20 "Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”


Philippians 2:12 "Dear friends, you always followed my instructions when I was with you. And now that I am away, it is even more important. Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear."

John 15:5 "Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing."

The Great Omission. Willard, Dallas.

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